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Хелен Хакетт

A Short history of English Renaissance drama

458.95 грн458.95 грн
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книга "A Short history of English Renaissance drama" - Хелен Хакетт
Кількість сторінок:244
Рік видання:
Формат:84х108/32 (135x211 mm)
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Термін передачі в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - понеділок, 29 Липня 2024
Новой Почтой - вівторок, 30 Липня 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - понеділок, 05 Серпня 2024
Курьером по Украине - вівторок, 30 Липня 2024

книга "A Short history of English Renaissance drama" — Хелен Хакетт

A Short history of English Renaissance drama. Английская драма эпохи Возрождения развивалась в условиях переворота, затронувшего все области общественной жизни. Как и в других странах Западной Европы, новые явления в области культуры имели своей основой ломку старых феодальных порядков и развитие буржуазных отношений.

    Shakespeare is a towering presence in English and indeed global culture. Most readers in the English-speaking world, and many beyond, know his name and have at least a passing familiarity with his work. Yet considered alongside his contemporaries he was not an isolated phenomenon, but the product of a period of astonishing creative fertility. This was an age when new media – popular drama, and print – were seized upon avidly and inventively by a generation of exceptionally talented writers. In her sparkling new book, Helen Hackett explores the historical contexts of English Renaissance drama by situating it in the wider history of ideas. She traces the origins of Renaissance theatre in communal religious drama, civil pageantry and court entertainment and vividly describes the playing conditions of Elizabethan and Jacobean playhouses.

    Examining Shakespeare, Marlowe and Jonson in turn, the author assesses the distinctive contribution made by each playwright to the creation of English drama. She then turns to revenge tragedy, with its gothic poetry of sex and death, city comedy, domestic tragedy and tragicomedy, and gender and drama, with female roles played by boy actors. The book places Renaissance drama in the exciting and vibrant cosmopolitanism of sixteenth-century London.

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