книга "Complete training" — Робин ХойлComplete training. Книга основана на научных исследованиях о том, как люди учатся (с учетом реалий работы в современной организации). Робин Хойл предлагает свой подход к обучению на рабочем месте. Обучающий оценивает работников, предлагает ряд учебных задач и возможностей, соответствующих для различных сотрудников на каждом этапе - от новых сотрудников до ветеранов организации.
Basing his book on scientific research into how people learn and taking into account the realities of working in modern organizations, Robin Hoyle proposes a rigorous approach to workplace training. With a focus on measurable, evidence based techniques, Complete Training seeks to reposition L&D as central to strategy, the business and the organization's mission. Complete Training looks at the employee life cycle and suggests a series of training challenges and opportunities relevant for diverse employees at each stage - from new hires to the veterans of the organization. Hoyle shows learning and development (L&D) practitioners and practicing managers how to develop adept individuals, as well as an organization with a memory, continually learning from its own endeavors. |