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Конн Иггульден

Emperor: The Field of Swords

165.95 грн165.95 грн
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книга "Emperor: The Field of Swords" - Конн Иггульден
Кількість сторінок:656
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Формат:70х90/32 (107x173 mm)
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УкрПочтой по Украине - вівторок, 14 Травня 2024
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книга "Emperor: The Field of Swords" — Конн Иггульден

Emperor: The Field of Swords. The third volume in the acclaimed Emperor series, in which Conn Iggulden brilliantly interweaves history and adventure to recreate the astonishing life of Julius Caesar - an epic tale of ambition and rivalry, bravery and betrayal, from an outstanding new voice in historical fiction. THE GATES OF ROME, THE DEATH OF KINGS and now THE FIELD OF SWORDS tell the powerful, dramatic story of the friendship and enmity between the two men who ruled the Roman world. Following the defeat of the Spartacus rebellion, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, who have been sent to run the Roman colonies in Spain, return to challenge powerful senators to become one of the Consuls of Rome. Political opposition, family quarrels, armed rebellions and corruption make this a highly contemporary scene, fuelled by the intrigue of the major characters, who are now developing as full adults. As he takes the legions north into mighty battles with the Gallic tribes, the imperious stand of Caesar and the leadership of his men, his new friendships with fellow leaders and his overwhelming ambition, begin to separate him from Brutus, the great swordsman and warrior. Their long friendship reveals ominous cracks under the strain. Although the Gallic conquests lead to Caesar's triumphal entry into Britain, the victories on the battlefield cause political rivalries at home, and ultimately the famous choice is presented to Caesar and Marcus Brutus. They must choose whether to cross the Rubicon - together or singly - and to take the fight to Rome itself. Conn Iggulden is a brilliant storyteller. Characters jostle for space in the crowded streets, on the battlefields and in the corridors of the Senate. The friendship and rivalry between Caesar and Brutus provides compelling reading. Each book in the EMPEROR series causes readers to return to the previous novel, and ensures they also look forward hugely to the next.

    Древний Рим. I век до Рождества Христова. Юлий Цезарь стремительно делает политическую карьеру. Ему уже около тридцати лет. Его поле брани — вся Европа. Ему предстоят участие в подавлении заговора, угрожающего судьбе Рима, и жестокие битвы в Галлии и Британии. Всего один шаг остался ему до вершины власти. И он сделает его. Он перейдет Рубикон! Ведь не зря Цезарь станет примером для всех правителей будущих времен.

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