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Питер Стенфорд

50 religious ideas You really need to know

329.95 UAH329.95 UAH
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The book "50 religious ideas You really need to know" - Питер Стенфорд
Number of pages:208
Year of publication:
Format:70х90/16 (170x200 mm)
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Weight:0.290 kg.
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The book "50 religious ideas You really need to know" — Питер Стенфорд

50 religious ideas You really need to know. Необходимость понимания религии и ее роль в нашем мире никогда не была так насущна. Убеждения и действия 2 000 000 000 христиан планеты, 1, 2 миллиарда мусульман, 800 миллионов индусов и 700 миллионов последователей других религий оказывают влияние на каждый аспект войны и мира, этики, политики, воспроизводства, семьи и социальной структуры. Что такое "золотое правило" и как это может объединить религиозных людей? Какие коллизии возникают между католиками и протестантами и что это означает для нас сегодня? Каковы различия между англиканством, христианством и пресвитерианством? Что отличает мусульман-суннитов от мусульман-шиитов? Что значит быть евреем?

    Despite frequent prognostications regarding the 'death of God' and the triumph of secular materialism, religion remains a central component in the lives of most people around the world. There are currently thought to be 2 billion Christians, 1. 2 billion Muslims, 800 million Hindus, along with some 700 million followers of other religions. 50 Religious Ideas You Really Need to Know offers a clear path through the conceptual and denominational thickets of global religion. Award-winning religious affairs correspondent Peter Stanford begins with an examination of sacred texts, the divine principle and good and evil, before moving on to a discussion of the different traditions within Christianity, Islam, Judaism and the myriad customs of the East.

    Contents: The Divine Principle, Baptists, Buddha's teachings, Sacred Texts, Presbyterians, Dhama, Good and Evil, Sects and cults, Forms of Buddhism, Life and Death, Rapture, Confucianism, Golden Rule, God & Torah, Taoism, Rites and Rituals, Anti-Semitism, Shintoism, Life of Christ, Kabbalah, Missionary impulse, God and Mammon, Being Jewish, Just War, Reformation, Mohammed, Church and State, Papacy, Pillars of Islam, Spirituality, Guilt and Misogyny, Shari'ah law, Fundamentalism, Holy Spirit, Sunni & Shia, Darwinist challenge, Saints and sinners, Sufism, People and Creation, Orthodoxy, Islamism, The poor, Lutheranism, Hindu trinity, Sea of faith, Anglicanism, Sansara, Methodism, Sikhs & Jains.

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