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Sue Arengo

Classic Tales Second Edition 2: The Gingerbread Man

127.95 UAH127.95 UAH
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The book "Classic Tales Second Edition 2: The Gingerbread Man" - Sue Arengo
Number of pages:24
Year of publication:
Format:60x90/16 (145х217 mm)
Level of CEFR:
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Weight:0.082 kg.
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The book "Classic Tales Second Edition 2: The Gingerbread Man" — Sue Arengo

Classic Tales Second Edition 2: The Gingerbread Man. Do your children have a favourite story? One that they like to hear over and over again? You probably already know that stories are powerful teaching tools, particularly with younger learners. But did you know that the new edition of Classic Tales now makes it even easier to bring the magic of good storytelling into your English classroom? Use this award-winning series to effortlessly enrich your English lessons with practice in the four key skills – reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Children find the much-loved stories irresistible. Vibrant, colour illustrations on every page bring the stories to life and make it easy for them to follow the narrative. They love looking for the details and finding their favourite characters. A picture dictionary or illustrated glossary helps them with the meaning of key words. The Storybooks support writing through comprehension activities, and the Activity Books offer a range of extra writing exercises, helping you to make the most of the language presented to students. The short play in every Activity Book and Play re-uses the same language. There is support for teachers on how to speak the play in class and how to perform the play for an audience. Students can perform the play for the rest of the class, for other classes, or even the whole school. The play can also be used for a parents’ evening or drama competition. Every e-Book disk includes the complete recorded text. Children can consolidate their understanding of the story by listening to the audio version in American English. Or they can watch AND listen to the e-Book on a computer. If you use the e-Book on an Interactive Whiteboard, the whole class can watch and listen together.

В маленьком домике на краю леса жили старик со старухой, у которых не было детей. Однажды старуха пекла пряники и один из них решила сделать в форме мальчика. Она сунула пряник в печь, а когда открыла печку, готовый пряничный человечек выпрыгнул из неё и побежал. Старуха позвала старика, но они не смогли догнать человечка. Он побежал дальше и встретил молотильщиков, которые тоже не смогли его поймать. Далее он встретил жнецов в поле, затем корову и свинью. При встрече он заговаривал с каждым, перечисляя тех, кто не смог его поймать, и добавляя: «…И ты меня не поймаешь!» Затем человечку встретилась лиса.

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