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Brian Morrison

The Autonomy Approach: Language Learning in the Classroom and Beyond

543.95 грн543.95 грн
книга "The Autonomy Approach: Language Learning in the Classroom and Beyond" - Brian Morrison
Количество страниц:160
Формат:191x246 mm
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - среда, 18 Сентября 2024
Новой Почтой - среда, 18 Сентября 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - понедельник, 23 Сентября 2024
Курьером по Украине - среда, 18 Сентября 2024

книга "The Autonomy Approach: Language Learning in the Classroom and Beyond" — Brian Morrison

The Autonomy Approach presents an important departure from the theoretical discussions which underpin the majority of work on learner autonomy. It introduces a practical perspective to self-directed language learning (teachable-learnable activities rooted in principles of learning), which draws on aspects of study skills and strategies as well as a variety of approaches, namely differentiated, individualised, self-directed, self-access and open-access learning. With the Autonomy Approach, emphasis is placed on students being supported in class to learn at their own pace, away from the classroom - in other words, self-directing their own learning.

The authors examine and explain the theory behind metacognitive knowledge and skills, and support this with an extensive sequence of activities for the teacher and the learner to use - to help learners take the development of their language learning into their own hands. The activities in this book aim not to teach a language but, rather, to raise awareness of different aspects of language learning, to encourage learners (and teachers) to share, select and try out activities, and to reflect on the effectiveness of what they have tried. The activities are suitable for developing a self-directed learning course or for supplementing an existing course.

This book is intended for: Language teachers and learning advisors; trainers involved in professional development; and materials developers for self-access centres or distance education. The Autonomy Approach contains three distinctive parts which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:

Part A offers a detailed breakdown of the philosophy behind the Autonomy Approach. Clear rationales are established for promoting self-directed learning, and teachers are invited to reflect on the benefits of learners taking more responsibility for their own learning.

Part B is packed with step-by-step activities to support learners through the development, implementation and modification of an emerging individualised learning plan.

Part C promotes a deeper understanding of the Autonomy Approach, and includes strategies to develop professional practice for us, as language learning facilitators, to learn and grow from our own experience.

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