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Джейн Остин


249.95 грн249.95 грн
книга "Persuasion" - Джейн Остин
Количество страниц:312
Формат:60х84/32 (100x155 mm)
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - понедельник, 06 Мая 2024
Новой Почтой - вторник, 07 Мая 2024
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Курьером по Украине - вторник, 07 Мая 2024

книга "Persuasion" — Джейн Остин


Семья Эллиот, погрязнув в долгах, вынуждена сдать в аренду своё родовое поместье. Съёмщиком становится семья адмирала Крофта. Энн, не желающая отправляться с семьёй в Бат, на несколько месяцев уезжает к Мэри, своей младшей сестре, живущей всего в нескольких милях. В это время к адмиралу приезжает свояк, капитан Фредерик Уэнтуорт, в которого Энн была влюблена в юности, и ему же отказала в женитьбе, послушав «доводы рассудка». Прошло восемь лет, у Фредерика Уэнтуорта появляются деньги и связи, и он становится завидной и выгодной партией. Все ожидают скорого сватовства Фредерика к одной из кузин Энн - Луизе. Но он вновь отдаёт своё предпочтение Энн.

    Jane Austen's final novel is the story of Anne Elliot, a woman who gets a second chance. As a teenager she becomes engaged to a man who seems perfect for her, Frederick Wentworth. But she is persuaded to break the engagement off by her friend Lady Russell, who believes he is too poor to be a suitable match. The episode plunges Anne into a period of bleak disappointment. Eight years later, Frederick returns from the Napoleonic Wars flushed with success. Anne's circumstances have also changed, her father's spendthrift ways mean he has been forced to lease the family home to a naval family. Will Anne and Frederick rediscover their love? Can their changed fortunes inhibit their feelings? Persuasion is a story of self-knowledge and personal regeneration, of social change and emotional politics.

    It is Austen's most mature work, and also her most wickedly satirical. What happens when we listen to others instead of our heart? That is the subject of Jane Austen's final novel, and her most mature work. After Anne Elliot heeds the advice of her dearest friend and breaks off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, happiness eludes her. Eight years later, Anne remains unmarried, and her father's spendthrift ways have brought her family down materially in the world. When a newly wealthy Frederick returns from the Napoleonic Wars, Anne realizes her feelings remain unchanged. But will Frederick forgive her and offer Anne a second chance at love? The world's greatest works of literature are now available in these beautiful keepsake volumes.

    Bound in real cloth, and featuring gilt edges and ribbon markers, these beautifully produced books are a wonderful way to build a handsome library of classic literature. These are the essential novels that belong in every home. They'll transport readers to imaginary worlds and provide excitement, entertainment, and enlightenment for years to come. All of these novels feature attractive illustrations and have an unequalled period feel that will grace the library, the bedside table or bureau.

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