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Key words for the oil and gas industry

368.95 грн368.95 грн
книга "Key words for the oil and gas industry"
Количество страниц:192
Формат:70х108/32 (129x197 mm)
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - понедельник, 20 Мая 2024
Новой Почтой - вторник, 21 Мая 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - понедельник, 27 Мая 2024
Курьером по Украине - вторник, 21 Мая 2024

книга "Key words for the oil and gas industry"

Key words for the oil and gas industry .Словник, що відповідає рівню intermediate, містить більш ніж 500 слів із теми нафтовидобувної та газової промисловості. На початку словника міститься список слів, сформований за темами. До кожного слова представлені пояснення, синоніми, антоніми і сталі вирази. Крім того, наведені похідні слова з поясненням та приклади вживання слова в аутентичному контексті. Словник укомплектований безкоштовним МР3-диском, що містить записи вимови слів із прикладами їх вживання в контексті. В кінці словника представлений розділ із вправами на засвоєння лексики.

    Collins COBUILD Key Words for Extractive Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of extractive engineering. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them. This title has been specially created for foreign learners of English who want to improve their career prospects in extractive engineering by learning English. The title covers the most common words found in this area, and will give learners a solid grounding in the key words and phrases that they will need as they start their studies or career in extractive engineering. Collins COBUILD Key Words for Extractive Engineering is unique in that the vocabulary items are organized alphabetically, in a dictionary style, and words are clearly labelled according to topic.

    Vocabulary-building features, synonyms, and collocations help learners to enrich their vocabulary and increase their accuracy and fluency. Vocabulary items are explained using simple language and are presented in a clear and easy-to-use format. Example sentences for every entry show how the word is really used in English and have been taken from subject-specific corpora from the 4. 5-billion-word Collins Corpus. To help users consolidate what they have learnt, the title also contains a thematic word list section, organized according to topic.

    There is a self-study section which includes practice material, which will ensure that users really learn these fundamental words and phrases. The title also includes an audio CD, which contains audio of all 500 headwords and example sentences. Communication for work and study is crucial, so this additional help with pronunciation will help to build the learner's confidence when speaking English.

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