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Гервас Финн

The golden turtle and other stories

319.95 грн319.95 грн
книга "The golden turtle and other stories" - Гервас Финн
Количество страниц:56
Формат:60х90/16 (148x210 mm)
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - понедельник, 20 Мая 2024
Новой Почтой - вторник, 21 Мая 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - понедельник, 27 Мая 2024
Курьером по Украине - вторник, 21 Мая 2024

книга "The golden turtle and other stories" — Гервас Финн

The golden turtle and other stories.

Книга чтения для детей в возрасте 4-7 лет. Она включает в себя практические учебные заметки на обратной стороне каждой книги. Детские авторы и иллюстраторы создали фантастические книги, ваши дети полюбят читать.

    Collins Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 4--11 edited by Cliff Moon. Top children's authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that your children will love to read, banded to help you choose the right book for every child. Practical teaching notes are included at the back of each book. Three folk tales from around the world retold by the wonderful storyteller Gervase Phinn. In the first, a golden turtle offers a kindly fisherman riches beyond his wildest dreams. In the secod, Amparo's daughter looks sweet and kind, but when she's determined to do something nothing gets in her way. In the third, a naughty leprechaun gets a big shock! / Series editor Cliff Moon is an acknowledged expert in teaching reading, with decades of experience, well known and trusted by teachers.

    / Collins has commissioned top children's authors and illustrators to create guided reading books that children will love to read. / Highly stimulating illustrations in a variety of styles, from cartoon to photographs, are designed to engage young readers' interest and imagination. / The highly visual books support developing literacy skills and provide a wealth of speaking and listening opportunities / Easily accessible teaching notes at your fingertips are included at the back of every reading book to support classroom management. / Special pages are provided at the end of the story to help teachers recap, check understanding and move on.

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