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Кристофер Сэнсом


229.95 грн229.95 грн
книга "Dominion" - Кристофер Сэнсом
Количество страниц:350
Формат:84х108/32 (127x203 mm)
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - понедельник, 13 Мая 2024
Новой Почтой - вторник, 14 Мая 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - понедельник, 20 Мая 2024
Курьером по Украине - вторник, 14 Мая 2024

книга "Dominion" — Кристофер Сэнсом

Dominion. Это действительно замечательная книга по целому ряду причин. Сюжет богат стремительной сменой разнообразных персонажей и правдоподобной обстановки. Обстановка замечательная, потому что это альтернативный мир, в котором реальные события из 1939 года отличаются от описываемых. В альтернативных 1950-х Великобритания является сказочным местом..

    The Great Smog. London. A dense, choking fog engulfs the city and beneath it, history is re-written... 1952. Twelve years have passed since Churchill lost to the appeasers and Britain surrendered to Nazi Germany after Dunkirk. As the long German war against Russia rages on in the east, the British people find themselves under dark authoritarian rule: the press, radio and television are controlled, the streets patrolled by violent auxiliary police and British Jews face ever greater constraints. There are terrible rumours too about what is happening in the basement of the German Embassy at Senate House. Defiance, though, is growing. In Britain, Winston Churchill's Resistance organization is increasingly a thorn in the government's side.

    And in a Birmingham mental hospital an incarcerated scientist, Frank Muncaster, may hold a secret that could change the balance of the world struggle for ever. Civil Servant David Fitzgerald, secretly acting as a spy for the Resistance, is given the mission by them to rescue his old friend Frank and get him out of the country. Before long he, together with a disparate group of Resistance activists, will find themselves fugitives in the midst of London's Great Smog, as David's wife Sarah finds herself drawn into a world more terrifying than she ever could have imagined. And hard on their heels is Gestapo Sturmbannfuhrer Gunther Hoth, brilliant, implacable hunter of men.

    .. At once a vivid, haunting reimagining of 1950s Britain, a gripping, humane spy thriller and a poignant love story, with DOMINION C. J. Sansom once again asserts himself as the master of the historical novel.

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