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Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Round-Up 1 Grammar Practice Teacher´s Book

182.95 грн182.95 грн
книга "Round-Up 1 Grammar Practice Teacher´s Book" - Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
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Срок передачи в службу доставки:Курьером по Киеву - четверг, 27 Июня 2024
Новой Почтой - воскресенье, 30 Июня 2024
УкрПочтой по Украине - пятница, 05 Июля 2024
Курьером по Украине - воскресенье, 30 Июня 2024

книга "Round-Up 1 Grammar Practice Teacher´s Book" — Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Книга учителя к учебнику Round-Up 1 Grammar Practice Teacher's Book с тестами и дополнительными заданиями на закрепление материала, а также с ответами и текстами аудио упражнений.

Pearson Longman. Round-Up Grammar Practice Level 1 (Teachers Book)

This full-colour, motivating series for young learners balances the need for thorough, comprehensive grammar practice with enjoyable exercises, lively illustrations and an appealing design, which means learners.

  • Includes pre-tests and wordlists
  • CD-ROMs for more grammar practice and games
  • Teacher's Books include answer keys and photocopiable progress tests
  • Round-Up Grammar Practice CD-Rom

    Round-Up Grammar Practice provides basic English grammar practice for beginning/low intermediate-level English language learners. This affordable, five-part, interactive CD series allows discrete grammar practice through creative exercises and games. Although geared toward young learners, Round-Up is also appropriate for adult beginners.

    Provides additional discrete-grammar practice and/or remedial work, thus freeing the teacher for more meaningful language activities in the classroom. Item types are varied and include multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and true-false questions. Both receptive and productive skills are utilized and many of the exercises are contextualized, thereby providing opportunities for meaningful application of the grammar rules.

    In addition to a group of exercises for a given grammatical topic, most of the units include fun and challenging games (e.g. word attack, car race and memory game). The student is given feedback and a score after every specific exercise the score-keeping function supplies up-to-date grades that can be printed out for each student.

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