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Philip Kerr

A Bernie Gunther novel: A quiet flame

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книга "A Bernie Gunther novel: A quiet flame" - Philip Kerr
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Формат:84х108/32 (132x198 mm)
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книга "A Bernie Gunther novel: A quiet flame" — Philip Kerr

A Bernie Gunther novel: A quiet flame. Главный герой трилогии, частный детектив Берни Гюнтер, занимается расследованием обстоятельств трагической гибели дочери крупного немецкого промышленника. Идя по следу преступников, Гюнтер становится невольным участником секретного заговора, во главе которого стоят некоторые руководители Гестапо и СС. В изменившихся условиях начинают действовать иные, жестокие правила...

    Philip Kerr was born in Edinburgh in 1956 and read Law at university. Having learned nothing as an undergraduate lawyer he stayed on as postgraduate and read Law and Philosophy, most of this German, which was when and where he first became interested in German twentieth century history and, in particular, the Nazis. Following university he worked as a copywriter at a number of advertising agencies, including Saatchi & Saatchi, during which time he wrote no advertising slogans of any note. He spent most of his time in advertising researching an idea he'd had for a novel about a Berlin-based policeman, in 1936. And following several trips to Germany - and a great deal of walking around the mean streets of Berlin - his first novel, March Violets, was published in 1989 and introduced the world to Bernie Gunther.

    "I loved Berlin before the wall came down, I'm pretty fond of the place now, but back then it was perhaps the most atmospheric city on earth. Having a dark, not to say black sense of humour myself, it's always been somewhere I feel very comfortable. " Having left advertising behind, Kerr worked for the London Evening Standard and produced two more novels featuring Bernie Gunther: The Pale Criminal (1990) and A German Requiem (1991). These were published as an omnibus edition, Berlin Noir in 1992. Thinking he might like to write something else, he did and published a host of other novels before returning to Bernie Gunther after a gap of sixteen years, with The One from the Other (2007).

    Says Kerr, "I never intended to leave such a large gap between Book 3 and Book 4, a lot of other stuff just got in the way, and I feel kind of lucky that people are still as interested in this guy as I am. If anything I'm more interested in him now than I was back in the day. " Two more novels followed, A Quiet Flame (2008) and If the Dead Rise Not (2009). Field Gray (2010) is perhaps his most ambitious novel yet that features Bernie Gunther. Crossing a span of more than twenty years, it takes Bernie from Cuba, to New York, to Landsberg Prison in Germany where he vividly describes a story that covers his time in Paris, Toulouse, Minsk, Konigsberg, and his life as a German POW in Soviet Russia. Kerr is already working on an eighth title in the series. "I don't know how long I can keep doing them, I'll probably write one too many, but I don't feel that's happened yet. " As P. B. Kerr Kerr is also the author of the popular 'Children of the Lamp' series.

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